Cabbage and broccoli may help smokers cancer risk

Wednesday 19th November, 2008

If you’re someone who is a heavy smoker, vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts may offer you protection against the risks of developing cancer, according to a new study.

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli may lower the risks of cancer due to compounds called ‘isothiocyanates’, especially if the vegetable is eaten raw.

The US study looked at data collected from cancer patients and people being screened for the condition who were heavy smokers or non-smokers. Heavy smokers were people classed as smoking more than 20 cigarettes per day.

Of those who ate cruciferous veg and smoked, there was a 20-55% less chance of having cancer than people who did not regularly eat the food. Risk however was dependent on how long a person had smoked, how many cigarettes were smoked in that time and the type of vegetable that was eaten.

Campaigners have been quick to point out that smoking increases your chances of developing cancer and these new findings shouldn’t be seen as health advice.

The best way to lower your risk of getting smoking-related cancers such as lung, bladder or neck cancer is to stop smoking.

Learn more about alternative and complementary therapies to help you quit smoking here



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